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Book Talk 21st Century

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My Soul Immortal
Jen Printy
The Cross and the Switchblade
David Wilkerson, Elizabeth Sherrill, John Sherrill
Life's Healing Choices: Freedom from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits
John Baker, John Baker
Camp Boyfriend
J.K. Rock, J.K. Rock
Wish Me Tomorrow

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back - Todd Burpo, Lynn Vincent Great book! I saw the author in person last year. He autographed my copy. It's an amazing story. Some will probably doubt this, but I can't see how. How does a 4-year-old know about any of this? Todd (his dad) says that no one in Imperial, NE has ever said it wasn't true. This supposedly is going to be made into a movie, although I have no more details than that. He also has police protection wherever he goes, because some people want to attack him for this.