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Book Talk 21st Century

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My Soul Immortal
Jen Printy
The Cross and the Switchblade
David Wilkerson, Elizabeth Sherrill, John Sherrill
Life's Healing Choices: Freedom from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits
John Baker, John Baker
Camp Boyfriend
J.K. Rock, J.K. Rock
Wish Me Tomorrow

Hiding from Reality: My Story of Love, Loss, and Finding the Courage Within

Hiding from Reality: My Story of Love, Loss, and Finding the Courage Within - Taylor Armstrong Disturbing account of what happened to her. As I read it, I kept thinking that she just needs to get out of this relationship. The book is somewhat sanitized. A lot of names other than Russell, the Real Housewives cast, and her daughter Kennedy, have either been changed or eliminated. This was probably for legal reasons. This doesn't take away from the main story. I know from reading this that if Russell were still alive today, this book wouldn't have been written. He would have beaten her up, and maybe even killed her. If she hasn't done this already, I would advise her to give a copy of this book to Kennedy when she's old enough to understand, with the message to read this and avoid the same mistakes Mom made. Media reports say that she's engaged now. I hope this relationship is better.