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Book Talk 21st Century

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Chasing Mercy

Chasing Mercy - Stacy Claflin I received a free ARC of this book from Story Cartel in exchange for this review.

Who you gonna call? This book was a cross between Ghostbusters (1, not 2) and the Ghost Whisperer. The title character, Mercy, was the sole survivor in a car accident that killed the rest of her family. Along the way, she meets Kit, a boy who comes from a family of ghost whisperers (although that term isn't used in the book). Together, they try to outwit a ghost she names Creepy, who tries to steal her dad's soul. I won't say more about the plot, since that would give too much away.

This is a YA book. Both of the main characters are 18. The plot twist at the end was a little surprising. I did not see that coming. It ends with a setup for book 2. Part of me likes to have each book somewhat self-contained. I understand a series, and I understand the whole "to be continued" concept. I just would like to know there's an ending, so if for some reason I can't get to the next book in the series, I know there's closure for this one. Overall, a good book.